We (the Finnish Environment Institute SYKE) are also interested in the call. I'm posting on behalf of a colleague the following:
Call: Enabling citizens to act on climate change, for sustainable development and environmental protection through education, citizen science, observation initiatives, and civic engagement ID: LC-GD-10-3-2
Subtopic 1 & 2:
What we do? We provide wide expertise on fresh and marine waters covering all aspects of the DPSIR framework (driver, pressure, state, impact and response). We have a national environment database, a most popular environment wiki https://www.jarviwiki.fi/, are leading The Finnish Water Restoration and Management Network (FWRMN). We have developed crowdsource based tools and systems with companies. Last year we trained over 250 teachers in 10 different cities. We have delivered nearly over 1000 low cost monitoring devices last year, collect data and openly shared it (Finnish, English and Russian languages). As well as developed apps for crowd sourcing in cooperation. We can work with young entrepreneurs to promote clean products and help in transition. We can also focus on energy consumption is buildings and use of nature-based solutions.
Selected projects:
• Water meets people (SEVIRA , Finnish-Russian)
• Outdoor schools -a government key project https://www.syke.fi/hankkeet/ihanpihalla and https://www.ihan-pihalla.com/in-english
• Machine learning and IoT – a government key project (AlyVesi)
• water, technology, machine learning, open data, cooperation with companies and crowd
Contact: Dr. Jari Silander, Freshwater Centre, the Finnish Environment Institute, jari.silander(at)ymparisto.fi