Welcome to the EU-Citizen.Science community forums! ¶
By: Margaret on Aug. 18, 2020, 10:46 a.m.
Hello and welcome!
With this second release of the EU-Citizen.Science platform, we now have a place where the community can meet each other, share news from their projects, discuss various aspects of citizen science methodologies and approaches, and tell a bit about themselves.
I'll get the ball rolling - I'm Margaret Gold and I'm a member of the team at ECSA (the European Citizen Science Association) who is working on building this platform, from within the EU-Citizen.Science project. I've been working with our partners at Ibercivis on the underlying metadata scheme for the platform, and the User Interface / User Experience for the functionalities that you can find here. (You can let us know about any issues that you are running into, in the Tech Help section of these forums, or over at GitHub https://github.com/Ibercivis/EU-CS_platform/issues.)
I've been active in the field of Citizen Science ever since I was an SME partner in the Citizen Cyberlab project, which sadly you can now only find on the Wayback Machine at: https://web.archive.org/web/20160415144227/http://citizencyberlab.eu/, but our work lives on at the Citizen Cyberlab based at the University of Geneva: https://www.citizencyberlab.org/.
My other current projects are WeObserve https://www.weobserve.eu/ and LandSense https://landsense.eu/
Now it's your turn!