European agency EFSA launching a call for tender ¶
By: Federica on Dec. 17, 2021, 4:01 p.m.
EFSA, joining forces with two other European agencies, ECDC and EMA, is launching a call for tenders to support the performance of crowdsourcing initiative or parts of it. Crowdsourcing initiative, such as citizen science projects has the potential to provide EFSA with innovative ideas, diverse expertise, knowledge transfer, wider evidence and deeper engagement with stakeholders.
The aim of the procurement procedure is to conclude a Framework Contract of the duration of four years to provide assistance for planning and conducting citizen science projects ( Lot 1) .
Additional info may be found in the link:
Lot 1 – Support in planning and/or conducting citizen science projects.
The available budgets for Lot 1: EUR 1,000,000