
Citizen Science Support and Services WG

Citizen Science Support and Services WG

The object of the WG is to examine how to further support implementing the National Recommendation for Citizen Science (2022) by developing services, guidelines, and other practical means of action. The two main focal points of the WG include:

  • developing citizen science guidelines for citizens
  • citizen science possibilities for public libraries

Since its launch in September 2022, the WG has grown to a total of over 20 members from Finnish higher education facilities, learned societies and other research performing institutions.

The next output is to be concluded during 2024 in the form of a guideline for citizen scientists. The output is titled: How to become a Citizen Scientist: A Beginners Guide.

Other current WG projects include the Citizen Science Survey 2024 that was conducted in May and June 2024 with 174 respondents. 

The WG is part of the National Open Science and Research Coordination in Finland. 


Recommendation for Citizen Sc…
May 27, 2024, 12:15 p.m.
Kansalaistieteen opas tutkija…
May 27, 2024, 12:37 p.m.

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