BioBlitz a tutti i costi
from 15/05/2021 until 15/05/2021
The “BioBlitz a tutti i costi” is a free event open to everyone, to learn to recognize living species present in nature and to collect original scientific data, useful for conservation.
Through the iNaturalist app, people can send photos of animal and plant species (not domestic) that they took outdoors or in one of the participating National Parks. In case people can't leave home due to the Covid-19 pandemic, they can upload photos from their archives. As in a real BioBlitz (which usually lasts 24 hours and is held outdoors), the "BioBlitz a tutti i costi " will produce a list of species thanks to the collaboration between citizens and experts who will help the participants in identifications. People can participate from all over Italy and also enter photos taken abroad!
The project is co-organized by Maremma Natural History Museum, ZEN Lab - Numerical and Experimental Zoology Lab (University of Florence) and Successione Ecologica.
The main objective of a BioBlitz is to list a checklist of as many living species as possible present in a study area, thanks to the collaboration between citizens and researchers. In the “BioBlitz a tutti i costi” due to the Covid-19 pandemic there are no regional limits, people can participate from all over Italy, even from home!
Needed equipment
Smartphone, iNaturalist app,
Created June 30, 2021, 11:07 a.m.
Updated June 30, 2021, 11:07 a.m.