Citizen engagement in research and innovation (R&I) aims to empower citizens to contribute to R&I actions, including by co-developing new solutions to communities’ needs. In our times, the need to collaborate, share knowledge, and accelerate the use of R&I results to deliver solutions that matter to citizens has become even more relevant. New models of collaboration among researchers, innovators and citizens as members of communities contribute to a culture of transparency, inclusiveness, and trust, strengthening the value of science for society and informing policy-making.
The CitizensHack2022 offers EU citizens an opportunity to work on their real-life problems in collaboration with researchers and contribute to creating a more inclusive society, prosperous local economy, and sustainable future.
● All researchers
● EU citizens with varying skill sets.
● Teams must include 2 researchers and 2-4 citizens from EU countries.
Hackathon teams will consist of researchers and citizens co-creating solutions for better societies across the EU. Researchers will gain better knowledge of the needs of industry and society in the EU, and be enabled to better adapt their research to the needs of citizens, while also working to bring to life innovations that benefit all parts of society.
● 3 winning teams will receive project support from Ultrahack, Eurocities, OI-Net, Aalto
Startup and in the EU network and academia.
● Opportunity to pitch their project in an after-hack and gain access to present the
solution at the EU level.
● Researchers will be will featured on Ultrahack’s website and CitizenHack challenge
● Winning teams are granted with opportunity to be considered to submit ''Letter from
Industry'' to the Journal of Innovation Management.
Join the co-creation journey which will help your community to become a better place for everyone!
Apply to join at by 23 January 2022.
We are organizing an informative seminar to meet the partners and receive an insight into the challenges faced with the Seminar taking place on 18th of January 2022 at 16:00 GMT +2.
Register here:
Find us on Twitter, Instagram & LinkedIn:
Citizen engagement in research and innovation (R&I) aims to empower citizens to contribute to R&I actions, including by co-developing new solutions to communities’ needs. In our times, the need to collaborate, share knowledge, and accelerate the use of R&I results to deliver solutions that matter to citizens has become even more relevant. New models of collaboration among researchers, innovators and citizens as members of communities contribute to a culture of transparency, inclusiveness, and trust, strengthening the value of science for society and informing policy-making.
CitizensHack2022 will test an innovative approach to citizen engagement for translating R&I results into value for society. It will enable citizens, taking part as members of their communities, to co-create solutions for challenges they face (through new business models, social innovations, prototypes, tests, proven concepts, demos etc.). This will be achieved by working together during the hack with researchers and innovators who draw from scientific knowledge and research.
CitizensHack2022 will provide lessons on how to use this approach to engage with citizens and provide research-based solutions that respond to societal needs. This will inform EU policy, in particular on Knowledge Valorisation and on innovative ways to engage citizens as a driving force to deliver value to society.
About funding
Funding bodies: European Commission
Created Jan. 14, 2022, 12:40 p.m.
Updated Jan. 17, 2022, 12:08 p.m.