Adaptation AGORA - A Gathering place to cO-design and co-cReate Adaptation


from 01/01/2023 until 31/12/2025

Adaptation AGORA, as the Greek name of the project suggests, is a place for discussion and exchange. It is a growing, dynamic, pan-European community that creates and shares advanced tools to enhance awareness on climate change and adaptation solutions. The project is the meeting point where citizens, stakeholders, policymakers, researchers, and journalists share knowledge, practices, expertise, and needs, by interacting to design and build a more resilient Europe through a living dialogue with local communities and different stakeholder groups.

Adaptation AGORA promotes societal transformation to empower local communities to address the climate crisis. This is achieved through a multidisciplinary and integrated approach with the support of four pilot areas and citizens throughout Europe. The pilot regions (in Italy, Sweden, Germany, and Spain) constitute the co-production arena to design, develop and implement climate change adaptation solutions with local communities. Moreover, other local communities and regions, acting as “followers” (the stakeholders who are not involved in the pilots but spontaneously asked to be part of the project and to be involved in its activities), are included in the project in order to create contents to support their adaptation process within the Adaptation AGORA project. As a final outcome of the project, Adaptation AGORA will also develop a roadmap for transformational change and upscale of citizen engagement, that will identify the most impactful tools of engagement for a lasting legacy.   

The Digital Agora is one of the key digital tools. It is the living digital environment that enables citizens, stakeholders, policymakers, and researchers to network and communicate, supporting them to find peers and engage with communities from other geographical or societal contexts, to share challenges and needs. The Digital AGORA is the entry point to access all the digital tools developed by the project. The Digital AGORA will be built from the weADAPT platform (, a collaborative online space for researchers, practitioners, and policymakers working on climate change adaptation and related areas to share information about their projects and learn from each other, which will maximize networking opportunities and links with other projects and initiatives on climate related issues.


The project aims to build a community of informed and engaged citizens who can actively participate in climate adaptation activities, giving their contribution to ensure co-produced and sustainable input. 

About funding

Funding bodies: European Commission

Created Aug. 2, 2023, 4:07 p.m.

Updated Aug. 2, 2023, 4:58 p.m.

Climate Adaptation Citizen Engagement Climate Change
Science Topics
Climate & Weather Ecology & Environment Social sciences
Participate from home
Difficulty Level
Participation tasks
Problem solving Other
Other Organisations involved
Ibercivis Foundation
Private sector
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