
from 01/06/2023 until 31/05/2027

The PataFEST project, as the name suggests, is all about the potato. With a consortium of 18 partners from 9 countries, we are researching potato plant vulnerabilities and searching for solutions.

A big part of the project focuses on the Zebra chip disease, which is affecting potato crops in South America, and which are being researched by our Ecuadorian partners at INIAP. While the goal of the project is to prevent further spreading across South America and Europe, the project also deals with more common diseases in Europe, such as silver scurf, black dot or dry rot.



How to participate

If you would like to join on any of the activities listed below, please sign up here or reach out to us at

DNA Analysis

We invite potato growers to bring in their own potato leaf samples for a DNA analysis to test your plant for disease-resistant genes. This will be done during the Long Night of Science in Berlin in 2025 and the Science Night in Valencia in 2025. Due to limited spaces to the experiments, we ask interested potato growers to reach out to us in advance.

Testing biofertiliser

To ensure better resilience against potato diseases, CHEMIA is developing a biofertiliser based on fishery byproducts. The biofertiliser will be explained and tested during workshops in Berlin and Valencia. Once your potatoes are ready to be harvested, we will ask you to provide feedback on the impact of the biofertiliser on plant and soil health. Bonus point if you are growing additional plants under the same conditions with different fertilisers or none at all.

PataFEST Webinars

If you want to learn more about the project or the different ways you can participate, make sure to follow us on Social Media and take part in our upcoming webinars.They will provide a better understanding of citizen science within the Agri-Food sector, while offering project participants to present results from the PataFEST activities.

Needed equipment

For the DNA Analysis: All you will need to bring is your own potato leaf

For testing the biofertiliser, we will provide you with the biofertiliser. Additionally, you will need: 

  • some space to plant potatoes. For the tests, it is important, that the soil is untreated and potatoes are only planted after you treat the soil with the provided biofertiliser.
  • seed potatoes 
  • any other potato-growing-related material (soil, gloves, small shovel, etc.)

Additionally, we invite all potato growers to download the PataFEST App, which can detect different diseases affecting your potatoes, such as silver scurf, black dot and dry rot. Once the App has officially launched, you will be able to find it here.

About funding

Funding bodies: European Commission

Created Sept. 18, 2023, 12:42 p.m.

Updated Feb. 11, 2025, 3:25 p.m.

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