Vyakulani Africa
from 01/06/2024 until 31/01/2025
Vyakulani is Swahili for “in the foods” or “which foods”, which embodies our intention to explore and celebrate the rich and diverse food traditions of the African diasporas.
Interest in nutritious plant-based diets is on the rise, yet African foods have not gained the recognition they deserve in Europe despite efforts to promote fair-trade food systems. For African diasporas in Europe, cooking with traditional ingredients remains a key part of their identity and heritage. However, the influence of Western lifestyles and biases against African food often echo colonial attitudes, limiting the acceptance and awareness of nutritious African foods like millet, fonio, and sorghum.
While other exotic dishes like kimchi, lemongrass, and quinoa are widely accepted, African superfoods and the role of African agrofood entrepreneurship in biodiversity conservation are not well-known.
Vyakulani Africa is an initiative of The Food Bridge vzw in collaboration with the AfricaMuseum. It has received support from the Impetus Accelerator for Citizen Science. It is part of its second call.
The project aims to:
• Highlight the importance and potential of African food systems.
• Encourage Africans in Europe to reconnect with their culinary traditions.
• Promote healthy African foods to the wider public.
Needed equipment
A camera or a smartphone.
About funding
Funding bodies: European Union
Created Sept. 20, 2024, 2:07 p.m.
Updated Sept. 27, 2024, 7:46 a.m.