Report of Observatory of citizen science in Spain 2016
This document presents a report on activities to promote and analyse citizen science in Spain during 2016, with the aim of increasing knowledge and vision of citizen science, based on the work of the Observatory of Citizen Science in Spain.
The report aims to contribute to laying the foundations of a scientific methodology, namely citizen science, which for a long time has been changing the relationship between science and society as a whole and, secondly, to bring about change through the inclusion of new actors and new open participation practices. In other words, the project seeks to understand the impact of Citizen Science on Spanish scientific culture. To this end, the Observatory has identified a significant number of actors (research groups, funding programmes, citizens' initiatives, physical spaces, NGOs...), analysed the main trends and good practices, and collected tools for the long-term monitoring of citizen science in Spain.
Its impacts are both scientific and social, political and educational. The use of citizen science and its study can be found in publications, with a growing evolution around several disciplines, especially the monitoring of biodiversity and the environment. But the impact of science is also felt in practice outside of academia, including on social networks. To a certain extent, the Observatory of Citizen Science in Spain has served to promote and foster coordination between citizen science in our country. We have developed face-to-face events with more than 100 cases between workshops and presentations, including citizen scientists. Online activities have also been developed to work on and disseminate citizen science.
Publish information
Authors: | Fermin Serrano; Jesús Clemente; Mari Carmen Ibañez; Francisco Sanz; Alfonso Tarancón; Maite Pelacho; Pilar Perla; Eduardo Lostal; David Gómez; Antonio Lafuente; |
Publisher: | Ibercivis Foundation. FECYT. |
Year of publication: | 2017 |